Big Ink Coming to Lancaster, PA


The Art of the Big Print: Master Lancaster Printmakers features six master printmakers that live and work locally. All of these artists will create relief prints that are 30 x 40 inches on a piece of Baltic Birch wood and will be joined by BIG INK’s Lyell Castonguay on Friday April 6th to print their large blocks. The public is invited to come and experience this unusual activity of printing such large blocks as well as experience print making themselves. The prints that are made by the artists on April 6th will then be included in the exhibition. The artists participating are; Milt Friedly, Jeff Geib, Matthew Lawrence, Robert Patierno, Gene Shaw, and Brant Schuller.


Old School New School

I have been exploring the use of the laser engraver so that I can incorporate it further into my courses for multiple block color printing.  On the other side I have been cutting a large block by hand for an upcoming exhibition.  Burning the candle from both ends and cutting the block fast and slow.
